Úlohy - Testy studijních předpokladů

TSP English section otázka ID 1910

Which of these countries is not a member of the European Union?

TSP English section otázka ID 1907

Choose the incorrect statement about Brexit.

TSP English section otázka ID 1906

In what year has the number of European Union countries decreased from 28 to 27?

TSP English section otázka ID 1904

Choose the correct statement about the European Union (January 2022).

TSP English section otázka ID 1900

Which option corresponds to the unfolded cube (the pattern is only on one side)?

TSP English section otázka ID 1897

Which option corresponds to the unfolded cube (the pattern is only on one side)?

TSP English section otázka ID 1895

Select the object that differs from the given one.

TSP English section otázka ID 1894

An equilateral triangle has a circumference 30 centimeters. What area has a square with a side of the same length as a side of the triangle?

TSP English section otázka ID 1893

Decide which pair of numbers do not preserve equality of the following expression:
(0,5)a = b

TSP English section otázka ID 1890

There are two expressions:
5 _ 9 _ 2 = 12
6 _ 2 _ 3 = 1
Decide what combination of symbols +, –, ·, : can be used to get correct results.

1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 ... 22

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