Úlohy - Verbální myšlení (AJ)

TSP English section otázka ID 1889

Decide which proverb fits the situation or problem stated below the most.
Jacob signed up for another project despite the fact that he can’t finish his own project in time.

TSP English section otázka ID 1470

Which of the following expressions has the most similar meaning as the adjective consistent?

TSP English section otázka ID 1469

Which of the following expressions has the most similar meaning as the adjective capable?

TSP English section otázka ID 1466

Decide which proverb fits the situation or problem stated below the most.
Although Jimmy has attended only one lecture, his friends were at none, so he taught them what he knew.

TSP English section otázka ID 1463

Which one out of the five words below deviates the most from the meaning of the others?

TSP English section otázka ID 1462

Which one out of the five words below deviates the most from the meaning of the others?

TSP English section otázka ID 1459

Four out of the five following words have something in common. One of the five does not fit in. Which one?

TSP English section otázka ID 1457

Four out of the five following words have something in common. One of the five does not fit in. Which one?

TSP English section otázka ID 1455

Four out of the five following words have something in common. One of the five does not fit in. Which one?

TSP English section otázka ID 1454

Four out of the five following words have something in common. One of the five does not fit in. Which one?

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