A nine‑armed octopus caught off Japan’s coast nearly ended up being dinner, until the family preparing it noticed its extra limb and sent it to a museum instead, according to news sources.
While unusual, this extra appendage – which wasn’t fully formed, but a small offshoot on a regular arm – isn’t unheard of in octopuses, said Michael Vecchione, an invertebrate zoologist at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C., who was not involved with this octopus’s discovery.
Octopuses are capable of regenerating their arms, but „sometimes regeneration doesn’t work quite right,“ Vecchione told Live Science. „If an arm gets damaged, it might regenerate wrong; it could wind up with extra tissue growing out, and that extra tissue could turn into an arm.“
Source: Livescience.com, 2020, „Rare 9-armed octopus found off Japan coast“ (https://www.livescience.com/octopus‑grows‑nine‑arms.html)
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