předchozí úlohaÚloha ID 1498 - další úloha

A deadly animal virus that causes fevers, abdominal pain, vomiting, bleeding gums, skin rash and pain behind the eyes can now spread between people, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced Monday (Nov. 16).

Until now, there had been only one confirmed case of Chapare virus, an Ebola­­‑like illness that turned up in the rural Bolivian province of Chapare in 2004 and then disappeared. But in 2019, at least five more people caught the bug, according to research now made public. The virus spread from person to person through bodily fluids in a region near Bolivia’s capital city of La Paz, killing three people. There are no active outbreaks of Chapare in 2020, and even in the event of further outbreaks the virus would be unlikely to cause a pandemic, according to virus experts.

Source: Livescience.com, 2020, „Deadly hemorrhagic fever in Bolivia can spread between people“ (https://www.livescience.com/chapare­‑virus­‑human­‑transmission.htm)

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